HerbHealtH is all about attaining good health via natural & herbal ways. Today, people are well aware of the fact that Herbal alternatives are safe, gentle and work in harmony with the body system as compared to pharmaceutical medicines. The new mantra today is to go natural, as everything around us is too polluted with chemicals and synthetic stuff. The more we use things from Nature's bounty the better it is for our overall health. Let's go back to our roots, by opening up our Grandma's treasure chest box & use what Nature has given us in plenty.

Showing posts with label quit smoking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quit smoking. Show all posts

Friday, January 4, 2013

Traditional Herbal Remedies to Quit Smoking!

Quit Smoking!
Smoking is one of the toughest addictions affecting the overall health of a smoker & is known to cause cancer, heart and other respiratory diseases. Though quitting smoking requires more than just will power for most smokers, but once done, has immediate & long-term benefits.

Traditional home remedies are natural & non-addictive as these to help give up smoking by soothing stressed nervous system & to adjust with the life without nicotine. Try some of such time tested home remedies that would prove beneficial in quitting smoking and give you a healthy physical, mental and social being.

Quit Smoking for Health & Well being!
  • Take 25g of aniseed and caraway seeds each & soak in lemon juice. Mix black salt to taste & let the mixture dry in shade. Now, roast the mixture and let it cool. Take about ½ tsp of the formulation to overcome the desire to consume tobacco.
  • Take betel leaf and wrap in it a tsp of fennel seeds & a clove bud. Chew it after meals to prevent you from wanting to light up another cigarette. This remedy would also help improve digestion.
  • Cut ginger rhizome in small thin pieces & to it, add lemon juice, common salt, black salt, a pinch of asafetida, roasted cumin seeds & black pepper. Mix all the ingredients well and put it to dry in shade. This preparation can be taken to curb the urge to smoke.
  • Drinking a glass of sugarcane juice with lemon juice & black salt is helpful in withdrawing from nicotine addiction.
  • Boil and cut ½ kg of Indian gooseberry fruits into small pieces. Add rock salt, common salt, powdered black pepper, and about 200g of sugar. Mix well & dry the preparation in shade. To overcome the desire to smoke, have a piece or two of the same.
  • Sucking a piece of lemon with rock salt creates a sour taste in the mouth and helps in killing the urge to smoke.
  • Consuming pineapple fruit slices with black salt also effectively helps in curbing the strong urge.
  • Chewing mulethi roots not only reduce the smoking urge, but also help clear the throat & comfort food passage.
  • Chewing ½ tsp of fried aniseed is also useful in controlling the smoking urge, especially after meals.
Include Fresh Fruits & Vegetables in Your Diet!
Eating fresh fruits and vegetables such as oranges, grapes, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, avocados and wheat germ are good sources of Vitamins C and E. These are powerful antioxidants that help combat free radicals and fight the carcinogens found in smoke. Include in diet, foods rich in beta carotene & B vitamins (found in yellow fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meat & fish). Avoid intake of alcohol, coffee and tea.

Indulge in regular physical activities that would keep a check on the weight as well as help reduce craving to smoke. Yogic exercises such as Pranayam (regulated breathing), ustrasana (camel pose), dhanurasana (bow pose) & Savasana (corpse pose) can effectively check thought patterns connected to smoking cessation. Learn the technique of mental relaxation in stressful situations. Spend time with family and friends and seek their support. This may support your decision to give up the deadly habit of smoking successfully.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

World No Tobacco Day 2012

World No Tobacco Day 2012!
Globally, tobacco consumption is one of the leading cause of cancer and reduced lifespan! The global tobacco epidemic kills nearly 6 million people every year and is expected to kill up to 8 million people by 2030 unless we wake up and act! 
Every Year, on May 31, the world observes World No Tobacco Day, promoted by the WHO

The objective of WNTD  is to encourage tobacco consumes to refrain from tobacco consumption and its related products for a period of at least 24 hours. On this day, and throughout the following year, WHO urges countries to put the fight against tobacco industry interference at the heart of their efforts to control the global tobacco epidemic. 

Individuals, Government, and health organizations also promote health camps and rallies to create a tobacco-free society. It's the right time when we can express our support to help create a healthy and safe environment for future generations. Let us come up together, act and support the cause!
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