HerbHealtH is all about attaining good health via natural & herbal ways. Today, people are well aware of the fact that Herbal alternatives are safe, gentle and work in harmony with the body system as compared to pharmaceutical medicines. The new mantra today is to go natural, as everything around us is too polluted with chemicals and synthetic stuff. The more we use things from Nature's bounty the better it is for our overall health. Let's go back to our roots, by opening up our Grandma's treasure chest box & use what Nature has given us in plenty.

Showing posts with label sesame seeds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sesame seeds. Show all posts

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Natural Folk Remedies with Sesame/Sesame Oil

Health Benefits of Sesame (Sesamum indicum  L.)
Sesame (Sesamum indicum Linn) or Til, is an annual erect hairy herb cultivated in all tropical and sub-tropical countries of the world. India, Indonesia, China, Burma, Sudan, Ethiopia, Venezuela & Mexico are the main countries growing it. The parts of the herb used for medicinal purposes are the seed, oil and the whole plant.

Sesame is high in Vitamin, B1, B6, E & K and also contains good amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, and minerals such as magnesium, manganese, copper, calcium, iron and zinc. The oil contains oleic acid, linoleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, and the glycosides, namely, sesamin and the sesamolin.
Eating Sesame Seeds is Good for Health!

Medicinal uses of Sesame

  • To cure arthritis: Take 500 g of sesame oil in a bottle and to it mix 20 g of camphor and fix the cap tightly. Keep the bottle in sunlight so that the camphor dissolves well in the oil. Apply this mixture twice daily at the site of pain.
  • For swelling- For relief from swelling in any part of the body, mix ginger powder into sesame oil and massage over the area.
  • For constipation: Taking a tbsp of sesame oil with 1/4th ginger juice at bed time is said to loosen the bowels. Its oil is a known mild laxative.
  • To relieve headache: Rubbing warm sesame oil on the forehead relieves headache.
  • For healthy Hair: Eating 3-4 tsp of sesame seeds every morning provides nourishment to the hair.
  • For dandruff: Massage the oil into the scalp and leave it overnight. This treatment not only cures itching scalp, but also helps get rid of dandruff.
  • Skin Care: Massaging the skin gently with sesame oil has multiple benefits. Sesame oil being rich in antioxidants and vitamin E, works as a moisturizer, as anti-aging cream, and a treatment for skin diseases, such as eczema and psoriasis. Gentle oil massage also helps to sooth sunburn, minor burns and helps in the healing process.
  • Scabies: Application of paste of turmeric prepared in sesame (Sesamum indicum) oil on the infected areas cures scabies.
  • To gain weight: Daily consumption of sesame seeds helps in gaining weight because of its high calorific contents.
  • Chest congestion: To treat chest congestion, warm 2 tbsp of sesame oil with a pinch of black salt and massage onto the chest followed by a eucalyptus steam inhalation.
Castor Oil is Beneficial as a Massage Oil!
Through research, it is also evident that sesame seeds oil is also beneficial in the treatment of diabetes, migraines and hepatitis.
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