HerbHealtH is all about attaining good health via natural & herbal ways. Today, people are well aware of the fact that Herbal alternatives are safe, gentle and work in harmony with the body system as compared to pharmaceutical medicines. The new mantra today is to go natural, as everything around us is too polluted with chemicals and synthetic stuff. The more we use things from Nature's bounty the better it is for our overall health. Let's go back to our roots, by opening up our Grandma's treasure chest box & use what Nature has given us in plenty.

Showing posts with label Charak. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charak. Show all posts

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Traditional Wisdom for Healthcare!

If you live a healthy lifestyle from birth,
You might live hundred years or beyond,
Start from twenty years of age,
A century might still be around.
Alas! For every year after this,
You will lose a year and a half,
And starting beyond the fifties,
You start with a handicap, so pray God’
-An Old Polish Saying
Traditional Ayurvedic Wisdom is All About Healing Mind, Body & Spirit
The above quotation, by and large, sums up a fundamental principle- the earlier you start following a healthy lifestyle, the longer and healthier you are likely to live. The term, ‘health’ can be very well defined as a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing! 

Ayurveda goes a step further and includes a state of happiness in addition to the aforesaid three aspects. It stresses close relationship between body, mind and spirit. Charak Samhita, written thousands of years ago, emphasizes a close relationship between physique and psyche, body and mind for perfect health. Nearly five thousands years ago, Dhanvantri, Sushruta and Charak had become world authorities on Ayurveda. Patanjali propagated ‘Yoga’ with an eight-fold way to manage the complete body. Charak had laid down fundamental concepts regarding the importance of caring for our body.
 (Leaving all other things, a person must protect and care for his body. If the body gets sick or gets destroyed due to sickness, the man loses all his desires, duties, ambitions and feelings. When the body is gone, everything else is gone). 

Why then, do most of us not give that kind of care and protection that is required for living a long life and a career backed by a high quality health? Why don’t we adopt a comprehensive approach towards living with a view to having a body which can enable us to perform our challenging tasks and duties? The answer lies in the fact that we take our health for granted. Not only are we ignorant of the hidden dangers to our health, most of us are also equally unaware of the high potentialities of our body and mind, if developed along right lines. 

To attain ‘Total health’ we must adopt a lifestyle needed for a long and happy life. An appropriate lifestyle would be the one which eliminates all the major risks (such as lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating, stress and anxiety, absence of medicare, lack of medical insurance) and promotes wellbeing and happiness of the individual. This would involve care and control of the Body, the Mind and Spirit, of the Relationships as well as, the Career/ Professional growth, so as to achieve perfect health. 

The traditional wisdom given by our ancient seers stipulates a lifestyle that incorporates the following factors:

  1. Aachar: Character, conduct, elimination of wrong habits and adoption of good values
  2. Vichar: Healthy Thoughts
  3. Aahar: Balanced diet
  4. Vyayam: Regular exercise
  5. Vyavahar: Interpersonal relationships
  6. Dhyan: Meditation
  7. Adhyatma: Spiritual outlook
The elements of an ideal lifestyle described above, well complemented by preventive, curative and rehabilitative medicare, would provide one the ideal platform to launch oneself effectively in the world of action!
The Charaka Samhita : The Traditional Wisdom of Ayurveda!
Wishing all a happy and healthy living!
Source: R.S Shukla. Executive Health, 2005. Publisher: Rupa and co.
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