HerbHealtH is all about attaining good health via natural & herbal ways. Today, people are well aware of the fact that Herbal alternatives are safe, gentle and work in harmony with the body system as compared to pharmaceutical medicines. The new mantra today is to go natural, as everything around us is too polluted with chemicals and synthetic stuff. The more we use things from Nature's bounty the better it is for our overall health. Let's go back to our roots, by opening up our Grandma's treasure chest box & use what Nature has given us in plenty.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Herbal Remedies for Asthma

Asthma (derived from Greek ásthma, panting) is a chronic respiratory condition that inflames and narrows the airways leading to wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and coughing.

The cause of asthma is not fully understood, but heredity and environment are said to be the major culprits. Other common triggers such as animal fur, pollen, house dust mites, tobacco smoke, cold air and chest infections can also cause asthma.

The severity of the symptoms varies from person to person but can be controlled well in most people most of the time. Herbal remedies are the best remedies to cure natural causes without any side effects. Read more about treating asthma via herbs effectively and naturally @ http://garima-sancheti.suite101.com/asthma-a400352


  1. Excellent blog very nice and unique information related to Herbal Remedies for Asthma. Thanks for sharing this information.
    Beclovent | Brethine


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