HerbHealtH is all about attaining good health via natural & herbal ways. Today, people are well aware of the fact that Herbal alternatives are safe, gentle and work in harmony with the body system as compared to pharmaceutical medicines. The new mantra today is to go natural, as everything around us is too polluted with chemicals and synthetic stuff. The more we use things from Nature's bounty the better it is for our overall health. Let's go back to our roots, by opening up our Grandma's treasure chest box & use what Nature has given us in plenty.

Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

How Sleep Affects Your Weight

Weight Loss

The Slimming Furnace: How Sleep Affects Your Weight:
Some research studies have revealed that short sleep and weight gain are linked! Losing sleep tends to make us eat more and gain weight, and now a new study suggests that one reason may be the impact that sleep deprivation has on the brain. If you're a short sleeper, that is, you sleep for 5 to 6 hours or less a night, you'll have trouble losing weight! In a 7-year study of 7,022 middle-aged people, researchers found that women who reported sleep problems were more likely to experience a major weight gain.

According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, when we are sleep-deprived, our general energy expenditure is 5 % less than it is when we get a good night's sleep, and the post-meal energy expenditure is 20 % less. In a study at the American Heart Association's 2011 Scientific Sessions, it was shown that women who got only 4 hours of sleep, ate 329 additional calories the next day than they did after 9 hours sleep.

In another study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 11 volunteers spent 14 days at a sleep center on two occasions. During one period, they slept 5.5 hours a night, and during the other, they slept 8.5 hours. When the subjects were sleep-deprived, they increased their nighttime snacking and were more likely to choose high-carbohydrate snacks.

This is probably the biggest revelation about the connection between sleep and weight loss—and the biggest challenge for you if you're not getting at least 7 hours of sleep each night. Sleeping too little affects the hormone levels in our body. The two hormones that are key in this process are ghrelin and leptin.

Ghrelin, a hormone released by the stomach increases hunger, slows metabolism and decreases the body’s ability to burn fat. Lack of sleep causes ghrelin levels to rise, which means your appetite is stimulated, so you want more food. When you don't get enough sleep, it drives leptin levels down, which means you don't feel as satisfied after you eat. The two combined, can set the stage for overeating, which in turn may lead to weight gain. Now that you are eating more, your metabolism is slower when you are sleep-deprived; it explains all the reasons for weight gain!

Sleep is an important tool in weight management. These studies clearly indicate that getting enough sleep can help prime your brain to help you win the battle against weight gain. It’s the most effective thing people can do every day to reset their brain and body health.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Triphala for Weight Loss

The Slimming Furnace: Triphala for Weight Loss:

weight loss
Triphala for Weight Loss
Triphala meaning ‘three fruits’, is a traditional Ayurvedic herbal formulation consisting of three fruits native to the Indian subcontinent. These are Amla (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia belerica) and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula). It is a natural antioxidantcommonly known for its use as a gentle bowel tonic. It also alleviates constipation, supports the nervous system, boosts the immune system, helps fight cancer, nourish and rejuvenate the tissue, helps support the reproductive system and fight against bacteria that cause any disease.

Triphala contains five of the six tastes recognized in Ayurveda -sweet, sour, bitter, pungent and astringent. It helps to prevent sickness and is being used as a therapeutic herbal food. Since triphala powder does not cause any serious side effect, almost any person could consume this supplement.

weight loss
Triphala is a healthy approach toweight loss while helping the body get rid of the toxins as proper digestion and elimination are important factors in maintaining an optimal body weight. Triphala promotes healthy eating habits by supplying the body with the full spectrum of natural tastes.  Also, triphala reduces excessive water content of the tissues. That is why triphala can be successfully used as part of a weight loss program.

The effective way of ingesting triphala for weight loss is as tea. For this, make a decoction by adding ½ tsp of triphala powder to about 150ml of hot water. Stir and allow the tea to cool and drink. It can be taken on an empty stomach in the morning or before retiring to bed. If you cannot stand the taste, or have shortage of time, it would be convenient to take 2 triphala tablets (1000 mg) with water, before bed or upon rising in the morning. Remember to eat plenty of vegetables, greens, berries, nuts, seeds, fruits, and proteins when taking triphala because maintaining good health is as significant as attaining optimal weight.

Side Effects of Triphala
Triphala is a natural detoxifying formula. Some people may experience headache, nausea, upset stomach and diarrhea. Since Triphala supports healthy elimination, one may experience looser. If the problem becomes too intense, stop taking triphala until the symptoms subside or simply reduce the amount you are ingesting. If the symptoms recur, it is best to stop use and consult a practitioner. 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Health Benefits of Bitter Gourd (Karela)

Bitter gourd Momordica charantia
Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) grown in the Indian subcontinent and parts of Asia, Africa, South America, is unsavory yet very nutritious and healthy. Bitter gourd primarily grows in vines. It bears its fruits during the month of September and November. It comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. Bitter gourd received different names such as  Karela (Hindi), bitter melon and bitter gourd (English),Goya (Japanese), ampalaya (Filipino), etc.

Health Benefits of Bitter gourd (Karela)
  • Bitter gourd is also useful for those suffering from piles. Drinking bitter gourd juice or taking it with buttermilk every morning for a month would be beneficial in getting rid of this painful ailment.
  • Bitter gourd is high in fiber and hence, prevents constipation. It can cure stomach related disorders by stimulating the secretion of gastric juices.
  • It is highly beneficial for those suffering from dyspepsia. People suffering from heartburn and ulcers must cut down on its consumption.
  • Bitter gourd purifies blood because of its blood-purifying properties and also said to treat boils and itching caused for similar reasons.
  • Bitter gourd contains a chemical called Charantin which reduces high blood glucose levels; hence it is useful for diabetics. Bitter gourd juice can be taken in the morning on an empty stomach to keep a check on the blood sugar levels.
  • Bitter gourd juice taken in the morning is beneficial to strengthen the immune system by improving our body’s fighting mechanism against infection and diseases.
  • Bitter gourd works well for those who want to lose weight. Add bitter gourd to your diet as it stimulates excretion of bile juices in the liver that are very essential for fat metabolism.
  • Fresh juice of bitter gourd leaves can be used to treat cholera in early stages.
  • Bitter gourd has high amount of beta-carotene that helps cure eye problems and improve eyesight.

Pregnant women must be careful and should try to minimize bitter gourd intake! Bitter gourd is known to have a property that causes abortion. It has monorcharins substance that might have side effects on the gravid uterus.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Lose Weight The Natural Way!

Lose Weight Naturally!
A Chaotic & unhealthy lifestyle can have a poor impact on our health which may lead to increase in body weight or obesity, heart diseases & strokes, diabetes, hypertension & a weaker immune system. Of these, weight gain is becoming a matter of concern among the people. In the era of commercialization, we find various weight loss pills, anti-cellulite products and expensive fitness gadgets popping up on the internet and television screens, but these can only cause frustration and may prove detrimental to our health. Natural herbal remedies are safe and promising in reducing weight. Let's try some of such formulations for controlling weight in a healthy manner:
  • Mix in a glass of lukewarm water, a tsp of honey with ½ tsp lemon juice. Drink it every morning and evening to lose weight.
  • Pound a ginger rhizome & boil the same in water. Add to it, ½ tsp lemon juice and 1/4th tsp black pepper powder. Have it when hot.
  • Squeeze a lemon in a glass of bitter gourd juice and have it every morning.
  • Having a tomato or two in morning is said to be beneficial in reducing weight.
  • Boil about 10 gm of triphala (a combination of equal amount of Amla, Harra & Beheda powder in a glass of water for 10 minutes. Consume it warm in the morning.
  • Consuming 2 cups of Green tea is also believed to shed excess fat.
  • To keep a check on weight, soak a few leaves of Indian plum/ Jamun overnight. Discard the leaves & drink water in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Take ½ tsp of guggal powder, a tsp of ginger rhizome powder and mix in honey to make it into a paste. Administer it once a day to lose weight.
A balanced diet and any form of exercise plays a vital role in reducing as well as maintaining a normal weight. One should eat a diet good in green vegetables and fresh fruits. Some of the fat burning spices such as black pepper, long pepper, mustard, ginger, cinnamon and cayenne should be added to the meals or used in preparations. Fish like tuna & salmon are high in Lectin, a protein, which helps improve metabolism and aids fat loss. Reduce the intake of salt & carbohydrate rich, high calorie foods (eg. rice, potatoes). Having vegetable soup or eating papaya at dinner time is helpful in reducing weight. Eating a cabbage salad also helps reduce weight as tartaric acid, an ingredient in the vegetable is known to inhibit conversion of dietary sugar to fat. 
Eat Green Vegetables & Fruits

Along with diet, regular exercise is quite beneficial. Brisk walk, skipping a rope, jogging, aerobics, yoga and pranayam (yogic breathing exercises) are among few exercises that can be of help to attain a healthy weight. Also, one should eat slowly as it satisfies hunger with less food, thereby reducing calorie intake. Drink plenty of water (3-4 litres/ day) as it has no calories and reduces hunger. Losing weight isn’t a mysterious process… it’s a matter of burning more calories than we eat.

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